About me


I have worked with young people for the past 40 years, throughout which time, Autistic spectrum disorders and neurological issues have played a significant part of my life and work. I trained as a Person Centred Counsellor & Psychotherapist at Warwick University in the mid nineties, returning in 2009 to undertake an Advanced Diploma in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

I am a qualified Director, Presenter, Trainer and Facilitator, providing bespoke learning experiences. I also facilitate group learning environments, in order to clarify experience and understanding, underpinning this with additional knowledge and proven strategies.

I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and I am bound to comply with their Ethical Framework for Good Practice.

I have a current and clear, Enhanced Certificate from the Disclosure Barring Service that I am happy to show you.

I have Professional civil liabilities Insurance for Counsellors and Psychotherapists.



I have a wealth of experiential knowledge and lived experience, in non visible difficulties such as Autistic Spectrum Condition , Asperger's Syndrome, PDDNOS, PDA, ADHD, Tourette's Syndrome, Hydrocephalus, Encephalitis, Epilepsy, intracranial bleeds, severe attachment issues, brain injury, dyslexia, dyspraxia, anxiety and meltdowns along with mental health issues.

Most recently I have undertaken training by Tony Attwood at Autism Oxford, and the Human Givens Approach 'Demystifying Autism and Aspergers Syndrome' by Angela Austin. 'Empathy putting yourself in my shoes, Curly Hair Project'. 'Attachment Theory' Sir Richard Bowlby.

Dr Wenn Lawson 'Autism, Relationships, Sexuality & Gender Dysmorphia.

Child Protection Awareness training WSCB.

As a qualified trainer and facilitator I have been part of the 'expert by experience' roll out of the Warwickshire Autism Strategy.

For eight years, 2007-15 I fostered young people with complex neurological issues.

I was a volunteer member of The Warwickshire Autism Strategy Board, from its inception. In my role I attend the Autism Leads Meeting for professionals with Autism West Midlands, when I retired after 7 years in February 2020 I was chairman.

I have worked as a consultant in a range of primary schools, as a school Counsellor, working directly with children, supporting head teachers and SENCO's.

Who I work with

I work with individuals, children and adults aged 5-100! Partners, parents, siblings, families, groups, and couples. When working with children/young people on the spectrum or their siblings, I contract with the child's parent/carer, otherwise post 18 it is direct with the client.


I also work with professionals working with people on the autistic spectrum, these include CEO's, Managers, Human Resorces, the NHS, Emergency Services, Police, Armed Forces, Charities, Youth Organisations, Education, Sports, Local Authorities, Government Departments, Entertainment Industry.